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Site editor: Agence Nationale de la Cohésion des Territoires 20 avenue de Ségur - TS 10717 75334 Paris Cedex 07
Publication director: Yves Le BRETON, Director General of the Agence Nationale de la Cohésion des Territoires
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The Digital Society Program has chosen to place its documents under the Open License 2.0 by default. This means that, unless otherwise stated, you are free to reuse any public information made available on this site, free of charge and without restriction of use, provided that you cite the source of the information (Digital Society Program) and the date of last update of the reused information (for example with a hyperlink).
What is a license for?
The license of re-use allows you to know precisely the conditions under which you are authorized to exploit the information made available on this platform. It provides a legal framework for your rights and obligations when you reuse this information. The reuse license is a contract that binds the user to the Digital Society Program or to other people who have published on the site.In this respect, when you download all or part of the administrative documents made available on this site, you agree to respect the terms of the reuse license. By default, that is to say unless otherwise stated, the datasets can be exploited under the conditions set by the Open License, which you can download here.
Why Open License 2.0?
(Source: Etalab blog)
As part of the Government's policy to open up public data ("Open Data"), Etalab has designed the "Open Licence". This license, developed in consultation with all stakeholders, facilitates and encourages the reuse of public data made available for free.The publication of Decree No. 2017-638 provided for in Article L 323-2 of the CRPA makes the LO 2.0 the reference license for administrations for the publication of public data, alongside the ODbL, and thus allows its use by all administrations.
The "Licence Ouverte / Open Licence" has the following characteristics:
- A great freedom of reuse of information.
- An open, free and open source license, which provides the necessary legal security to producers and reusers of public data.A license that promotes the widest reuse by allowing reproduction, redistribution, adaptation and commercial exploitation of data.
- A license that fits in an international context by being compatible with the standards of the Open Data licenses developed abroad and in particular those of the British government (Open Government License) as well as other international standards (ODC-BY, CC-BY 2.0).
- A strong requirement for data transparency and quality of sources by making it mandatory to mention authorship.An opportunity to share other public data by setting up a standard that can be reused by local authorities wishing to open up their public data.